Terms of Use

Welcome to Beautiful Destinations. These Terms of Use constitute a legal agreement and govern the relationship between you and Beautiful Travel Destinations and its subsidiaries ("DF", "we", or "us") regarding the use of our games, mobile applications, websites, and all related services, and the purchase of goods, commodities, or services from us by you (the "Services").

Your use of the Services is also subject to DF's Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. Please read all of the Terms of Use before registering to decide whether to accept and continue with the registration process.

By installing, using, or otherwise accessing the Services, you agree to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you agree to these Terms of Use but not the Privacy Policy, you cannot install or use the Services or otherwise access it.

Requirements for using the services

Before accessing or using the Services, including browsing any DF website or accessing or downloading a DF game or application, you must agree to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

You may also be asked to register for an account to use the Services (an "Account"). You must provide all current, complete, and accurate information for your account as requested by us and keep it updated. We may require you to provide additional information as a condition for continuing to use the Services or to assist you in deciding whether to continue to allow the use of the Services.

You are responsible for internet connection and/or mobile charges associated with accessing and/or using DF Services. If you are unsure how much fees may be, contact your Internet service provider or mobile carrier before accessing and/or using the Services.

By registering for an account or otherwise using the Services, you represent that you are 16 (sixteen) years of age and older, that you have entered into a legally binding contract with DF, and that you understand and agree to these Terms of Use. If you are not located in the United States, you further represent and warrant that you are in your own jurisdiction. We disclaim any liability for any false statement of your age or the age of another user. You further represent and warrant that you are not currently listed on any sex offender registry in any jurisdiction, state, or registered in a federal jurisdiction and have never been there, that you are not a convicted criminal and are not prohibited from using the Services under the laws of the United States or any applicable jurisdiction. Specifically, you represent and warrant that you are not on the U.S. Department of Treasury's Specially Designated Nationals list. We assume no responsibility or liability for incorrect information about your age.

You represent and warrant that you comply with all local, municipal, provincial, federal, and/or comply with any federal laws, rules, or regulations to which you are subject. DF shall not be liable for your failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

If you are coming from a social networking site ("SNS") such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram or another similar service to access the Services, you must contain all therein comply with the current user agreements and these Terms of Use.

Similarly, if you are using the services through the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, Amazon App Store, or other means, all contained therein apply to comply with the user agreements and these Terms of Use.

License rights

DF Services are licensed and not sold to you. Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Use, DF grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited license to access and use the Services for your own non-commercial use. You agree not to use the Services for any other purposes. Any use of the Services in violation of these Terms of Use is strictly prohibited and may result in the immediate revocation of your limited license and may subject you to liability for violations of the law.

Whenever you access or use DF Services, you agree that you will not:
  • Violate any law, rule, or regulation.
  • Interfere with, damage, disrupt, overload, or assist or aid in the interference, damage, disruption, overloading or assistance or aid in the Interruption or overloading of computers, servers, or networks ("Servers") used to be used to provide DF Services or a DF game environment in any way or to support.
  • Initiate, support or participate in any type of attack, including, but not limited to, spreading a virus, denial of service attacks on the Services or other attempts to use or enjoy the Services to annoy another person in any way. This includes interrupting the normal flow of gameplay, chats, or dialogues within DF services.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services on accounts that intended for other users except you they themselves have registered or to the computers, servers, or networks that are connected to the services relating to obtaining in any way, including but not limited to Bypassing or modifying, attempting to bypass or modify, or discouraging or Assisting another person, security, technology, device, or software that is part of the Services are to bypass or modify.
  • Do not use cheats, exploits, automation software, bots, hacks, mods, or other authorized software designed to modify or disrupt the Services. Or without the express written consent of DF files that are part of the Services or a game, change or have changed.
  • Reverse engineering, decomposing, disassembling, decrypting, or other Attempts to obtain the source code for the underlying software or other intellectual property used to provide DF Services or a DF game or to Retrieve information from the Services or a DF game using a method that is explicitly allowed by DF.
  • Without limitation of any other remedy, DF may terminate your account or your access to the Restriction, suspension, termination, modification, or deletion of DF Services or any portion thereof if You or DF suspect that you do not comply with these Terms of Use or for any actual or suspected illegal or inappropriate use of the Services with or without notice to you.
  • If your account is terminated, restricted, or suspended, you will not be able to have access to all benefits, Lose privileges, earned items, and purchased items with your account are linked. DF will have no obligation to compensate you for such losses.
  • DF reserves the right to cease offering or supporting the Services discontinue any specific game or part of the DF Services at any time, whereby the your license your use of the Services or any portion thereof is automatically terminated. In such a case it is DF has no obligation to provide any information to users in relation to such services have been discontinued For refunds, provisions, or other compensation. Your termination Your account may include suspending your access to the Services or portions thereof, including any content submitted by you or submitted by others.
  • DF reserves the right to close your account within a reasonable time frame verify compliance with the Terms of Use before awarding you a prize I secure. In the event that DF finds that you have violated the Terms of Use if violated, you will lose all rights to this award.
  • You will fully cooperate with DF in resolving any suspected illegal, Investigation of malicious or inappropriate activity.
Service Ownership

All rights, title, and interest in and to the Services (including, without limitation, games, titles, code, concepts, graphics, animations, sounds, audiovisual effects, Moral rights, documentation, and any other content or material included in or related to the Services) are the exclusive property of DF. DF retains all rights, including any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with these games and services.

Okay, the title and interest in and to the virtual goods and currency contained in the Services are the property of DF and are for the benefit of DF.

"User Content" means all communications, images, sounds, and all materials, data, and Information that you upload or transmit through a DF game client program or the Services or that other users upload or transmit, including, without limitation, chat text. By submitting or submitting User Content during your use of the Services, You acknowledge, represent, and warrant that such submission or submission (a) is accurate and not confidential; (b) does not violate any law, contractual restriction, or infringes any other third party rights and that you have the consent of third parties to do so any personal information or intellectual property contained in User Content; (c) free from viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code. and (d) you acknowledge and agree that all your personal information contained in such content will be kept by DF at all times in accordance with its privacy policy.

DF reserves the right to use any User Content (including, without limitation, your own User Content) at our sole discretion for any or no reason control, monitor, prohibit, process, delete, disable access or otherwise make it unavailable.

User Content

DF assumes no responsibility for the conduct of users who use User Content submits and assumes no responsibility for monitoring Services for inappropriate content or behavior. The use of the Services is at your own risk and responsibility bears all risks associated with the use of User Content in relation to are available on the Services. You acknowledge and agree that you have no privacy policy Expect regarding the transmission of User Content. We have the right, but not Obligation to process, at our sole discretion, any Content User that Rejection or deletion of publication.

By this, you grant to DF an irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, fully paid, without rights, global license (including sublicensing and assignment to third parties) and the right to copy, reproduce, correct, adapt, modification, Derivative works, construction, sale, licensing, secondary license, transfer, lease, transfer, public display, to perform publicly or to access your User Content and any modifications thereof and derivative works in relation to our provision in any way grants, transmits, communicates to the public via telecommunications, display, display, introduction into computer memory and use and practice the Services, including marketing and advertising the Services.

Also, you grant DF the right to authorize others to exercise any of the rights that DF has granted in accordance with these Terms of Use. Additionally, you grant DF that unlimited, irrevocable right to your name, likeness and any other information or materials contained in and in connection with your User Content, for use and exploitation without obligation or notice to you. Except legally prohibited, you waive any rights of attribution and/or moral rights you may have in your User Content, regardless of whether your User Content is in any way to change or change.

User Content

DF assumes no responsibility for the conduct of users who use User Content submits and assumes no responsibility for monitoring Services for inappropriate content or behavior. The use of the Services is at your own risk and responsibility bears all risks associated with the use of User Content in relation to are available on the Services. You acknowledge and agree that you have no privacy policy Expect regarding the transmission of User Content. We have the right, but not Obligation to process, at our sole discretion, any Content User that Rejection or deletion of publication.

By this, you grant to DF an irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, fully paid, without rights, global license (including sublicensing and assignment to third parties) and the right to copy, reproduce, correct, adapt, modification, Derivative works, construction, sale, licensing, secondary license, transfer, lease, transfer, public display, to perform publicly or to access your User Content and any modifications thereof and derivative works in relation to our provision in any way grants, transmits, communicates to the public via telecommunications, display, display, introduction into computer memory and use and practice the Services, including marketing and advertising the Services.

Also, you grant DF the right to authorize others to exercise any of the rights that DF has granted in accordance with these Terms of Use. Additionally, you grant DF that unlimited, irrevocable right to your name, likeness and any other information or materials contained in and in connection with your User Content, for use and exploitation without obligation or notice to you. Except legally prohibited, you waive any rights of attribution and/or moral rights you may have in your User Content, regardless of whether your User Content is in any way to change or change.

You and DF agree that each may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action. The arbitrator shall not consider another person's claims as yours consolidate and shall not preside over any form of representative or class proceeding. The arbitrators may grant relief explicitly or by way of injunction only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to satisfy the individual claims of that contracting party. If this specific subsection is deemed unenforceable, the entirety The arbitration clause is deemed void and the arbitration agreement is null and void.

Severability Clause

You and DF agree that if any portion of these Terms of Use or the DF Privacy Policy has been determined to be unlawful in whole or in part by a competent court or is found to be unenforceable, such provision in relation to jurisdiction The extent of such determination of invalidity or is solely invalid Unenforceability without otherwise affecting the validity or enforceability or jurisdiction and subject to the remaining provisions of the Terms which will remain in full force and effect.

Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use, any supplementary policies, and any documents incorporated herein expressly referred to (including DF's Privacy Policy), contain the entire agreement between you and DF and replace all previous agreements Parties in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement, whether electronic, oral or written or custom, practice, or prior between you and have been created by us in connection with the Services.


DF's failure to enforce any provision of these Terms of Use or its The DF Privacy Policy requires strict compliance with any provision thereof, or The failure to exercise any right arising from this shall not constitute a waiver or waiver by DF of the right to to assert or invoke any such provision or right herein or otherwise.

DF's express waiver of any term, condition, or provision of this Terms of Use or the DF Privacy Policy does not constitute a waiver of any future waiver obligation to comply with this term, condition, or requirement.

Except as expressly provided and stated in these Terms of Use, none Representations, warranties, consents, waivers, or other actions or Failure to act by DF will constitute a modification of these Terms of Use or will be legally binding because they are documented in physical form. hand signed by you and duly authorized officers of DF.

Any notices you transmit without complying with this section through Notifications no legal effect.


DF reserves the right to change portions of these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy at our sole and absolute discretion at any time by posting the modified terms and conditions change, modification, addition, or removal. Therefore, check the regularly.

You will be deemed to have accepted such changes by using the Services continue to use. If at any time you become part of the then current version Terms of Use or Privacy Policy or other guidelines, rules, or You do not agree to any code of conduct we have established regarding your use of the Services by you The license to use the Services immediately expires and you must stop using the Services Immediately terminate the services.